very good


very good

valkoinen mies.


Rimmaavat sanat

very good rimmaa näiden kanssa:

junk food, fast food, non-food...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

very good englanniksi

  1. (&lit)

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:RJfrs AmtrPqr)

  4. But then I had the massive flintlock by me for protection. ¶(..)The linen-press and a chest on the top of it formed, however, a very good gun-carriage; and, thus mounted, aim could be taken out of the window at the old mare feeding in the meadow below by the brook, and a 'bead' could be drawn upon Molly, the dairymaid, kissing the fogger behind the hedge, little dreaming that the deadly tube was levelled at them.
  5. Used as acknowledgement of receipt of one's orders.

  6. - Find out if theres any claret in the cellar, Jeeves.''

    - Very good, sir.
